IMPACT has joined forces with Driven, a global leader in resilience training and coaching with proven training methods and virtual tools. We have engaged the services of qualified medical practitioners to provide clinical guidance in our program design and delivery.
Together we have created a programme of e-learning and virtual group activities designed to help improve resilience. We start by measuring the current resilience levels and stress factors in the organisation engaging us, and compare these findings with results several months into the project. We expect to make a noticeable, positive difference.
The aims of this training are for delegates to:
- develop resilience skills and strategies amid ongoing pressure and unpredictable changes in the team, department, division and organisation
- learn and apply advanced resilience skills such as:
- sustainable compartmentalisation
- mental processing of significant stressful events
- dealing effectively with common organisational stressors,
- better managing the impacts of shift work, and
- building stronger connections with co-workers.
- reflect upon and share techniques for building and practicing resilience in the face of overwhelming circumstances
- identify the factors that contribute to or obstruct resilience both internally and externally
- apply the skills to hone their resilience muscle both at work and in their personal lives.
Specifically, delegates will learn ways to:
- identify and strengthen critical abilities associated with resilience,
- modify behaviours to stay calm and focused in potentially highly stressful times in order to prevent exhaustion and burnout
- challenge thinking habits that hinder resilience
- generate alternative ways to handle conflict, problems and stress in order to increase joy at work.
Our program includes a thorough, accessible, and personalised virtual program with FOUNDATION, CORE AND COMPREHENSIVE modules and activities. IMPACT provides Resilience Champion Certification to our client’s program sponsors to enable ongoing reinforcement and support during and after formal training.
- Introductions and Expectations
- Resilience Simulation – Aeroplane Factory. A high pressure team competition designed to simulate many modern-day business stressors, providing an experiential backdrop to to explore resilience in the workplace.
- Neuroscience of Resilience.
- Driven PR6 Resilience Factors review – personal resilience journeys.
- Behavioural Styles Analysis: Discussion of styles, reactions to stressful situations, and early resilience strategies.
- Rational Thinking: The ABC model of Resilience – connecting events, thoughts and feelings to control reactions to stressful events.
- Introduction to Resilience Strategies
- Vision
- Reasoning
- Tenacity
- Composure
- Health
- Collaboration
- Personal plans for connectivity and action.